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This tutorial walks you through how to use the LandingLens APIs and open-source Python libraries together to create a project and train a model in LandingLens. The LandingLens APIs are built using REST conventions and have standard HTTP features.

Example Use Case#

In the food production industry, maintaining consistent product quality and safety is crucial. Automated image classification can play a vital role in achieving this by identifying potential issues early in the production line. This tutorial focuses on developing a machine learning model to classify images captured by a camera on a factory line as either Clean or Contaminated.

Clean images will solely contain cereal, while contaminated images may contain foreign objects such as metal fragments, plastic pieces, or other debris. The goal of this project is to build a classification model that can differentiate between these two categories. This will enable real-time quality control on the production line, potentially reducing waste and ensuring the safety of consumers.

Image title
Example classification

Set Up Your Cereal Classification Project in LandingLens#

Our first step is to create a new project in LandingLens. We'll leverage the Python requests library to interact with the LandingLens API. We will also use the LandingLens POST endpoint:

Here's what you need to provide:

  • projectType: This is a mandatory field and should be set to the type of project you're creating (e.g., "classification").
  • name: While not mandatory, it's highly recommended to name your project for easier identification. We'll use the descriptive name "cereal-classifier".

Here's an example code snippet demonstrating how to create the project:

import requests

# Replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your actual LandingLens platform API key
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

# Define the project creation endpoint and parameters
url = ""
data = {"projectType": "classification", "name": "cereal-classifier"}

# Set the authorization header with your API key
headers = {"apikey": api_key}

response =, headers=headers, json=data)

if response.status_code == 201:
    response_data = response.json()
    project_id = response_data["data"]["id"]
    print(f"Project created with ID {project_id}")
    print("Project created successfully!")
    print(f"Error creating project: {response.text}")
New Project Example Response
  "data": {
    "id": 123,
    "name": "new project",
    "projectType": "classification",
    "createdAt": "2023-08-24T14:15:22Z"

Next Steps#

After you’ve created a LandingLens project, make a note of the id in the response. This is the Project ID, and you will use it to interact with the project in later steps.

Then, go to the next step: Define Image Classes.