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Operations (create, probe, save, etc) around images, videos from various sources (webcam, video, RTSP stream etc).

probe_video(video_file, samples_per_second)

Probe a video file to get some metadata before sampling images. Parameters

video_file: The local path to the video file samples_per_second: Number of images to sample per second Returns

A tuple of three values - The total number of frames, - The number of frames to sample, - The video length in seconds.

Source code in landingai/
def probe_video(video_file: str, samples_per_second: float) -> Tuple[int, int, float]:
    """Probe a video file to get some metadata before sampling images.
    video_file: The local path to the video file
    samples_per_second: Number of images to sample per second
    A tuple of three values
        - The total number of frames,
        - The number of frames to sample,
        - The video length in seconds.
    if not Path(video_file).exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Video file {video_file} does not exist.")
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file)
    fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
    total_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
    video_length_seconds = total_frames / fps
    sample_size = int(video_length_seconds * samples_per_second)
    return (total_frames, sample_size, video_length_seconds)

sample_images_from_video(video_file, output_dir, samples_per_second=1)

Sample images from a video file. Parameters

video_file: The local path to the video file output_dir: The local directory path that stores the sampled images samples_per_second: The number of images to sample per second. If set to zero, it disables sampling Returns

a list of local file paths to the sampled images

Source code in landingai/
def sample_images_from_video(
    video_file: str, output_dir: Path, samples_per_second: float = 1
) -> List[str]:
    """Sample images from a video file.
    video_file: The local path to the video file
    output_dir: The local directory path that stores the sampled images
    samples_per_second: The number of images to sample per second. If set to zero, it disables sampling
    a list of local file paths to the sampled images
    output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    if samples_per_second != 0:
        total_frames, sample_size, _ = probe_video(video_file, samples_per_second)
        # Calculate the frame interval based on the desired frame rate
        sample_interval = int(total_frames / sample_size)
        sample_interval = 1
    frame_count = 0
    output = []
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_file)
    while cap.isOpened():
        ret, frame =
        # Check if end of video file
        if not ret:
        # Check if the current frame should be saved
        if frame_count % sample_interval == 0:
            output_file_path = str(output_dir / f"{frame_count}.jpg")
            cv2.imwrite(output_file_path, frame)
        frame_count += 1
    return output


Open a Window and allow users to take a photo from the webcam. It supports running on both local environment and Google's colab notebooks. For Google colab, it will open a window to allow users to take a photo from the webcam by pressing the "Capture" button. For local environment, it will open a window to allow users to take a photo from the webcam by pressing the "space" button.

Source code in landingai/
def take_photo_from_webcam(webcam_source: Union[str, int] = 0) -> PIL.Image.Image:
    """Open a Window and allow users to take a photo from the webcam.
    It supports running on both local environment and Google's colab notebooks.
    For Google colab, it will open a window to allow users to take a photo from the webcam by pressing the "Capture" button.
    For local environment, it will open a window to allow users to take a photo from the webcam by pressing the "space" button.
        # Running on Google's colab or local Jupyter notebook
        from base64 import b64decode

        from google.colab.output import eval_js  # type: ignore
        from IPython.display import Javascript, display

        # Define function to acquire images either directly from the local webcam (i.e. jupyter notebook)or from the web browser (i.e. collab)
        def take_photo() -> PIL.Image.Image:
            quality = 0.8
            js = Javascript(
            async function takePhoto(quality) {
                const div = document.createElement('div');
                const capture = document.createElement('button');
                capture.textContent = 'Capture';

                const video = document.createElement('video');
       = 'block';
                const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true});

                video.srcObject = stream;

                // Resize the output to fit the video element.
                google.colab.output.setIframeHeight(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, true);

                // Wait for Capture to be clicked.
                await new Promise((resolve) => capture.onclick = resolve);

                const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
                canvas.width = video.videoWidth;
                canvas.height = video.videoHeight;
                canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(video, 0, 0);
                return canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', quality);
            data = eval_js("takePhoto({})".format(quality))
            binary = b64decode(data.split(",")[1])

    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        # Capture image from local webcam using OpenCV
        import cv2

        def take_photo() -> PIL.Image.Image:
            cam = cv2.VideoCapture(webcam_source)
            cv2.namedWindow("Press space to take photo")
            captured_frame: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
            while True:
                ret, frame =
                if not ret:
                    print("failed to grab frame")
                cv2.imshow("Press space to take photo", frame)
                k = cv2.waitKey(1)
                if k % 256 == 32:
                    # SPACE pressed
                    captured_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            return PIL.Image.fromarray(captured_frame)

    return take_photo()